: Notes
- Spotlight on Basic Education Completion and Foundational Learning in Rwanda 2022.
- The Africanist:
- (
Abbreviations بعض المختصرات المفيدة وردها بعضها في سياق المقال:
ESSP Education Sector Strategic Plan
ESWG Education Sector Working Group
FCDO Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (United Kingdom)
GDP Gross domestic product
GPE Global Partnership for Education
ICT Information and communication technology
LARS Learning Achievement in Rwandan Schools
LEGRA Local Early Grade Reading Assessment
MINALOC Ministry of Local Government
MINECOFIN Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning MINEDUC Ministry of Education
NESA National Examination and School Inspection Authority NISR National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda
ORF Oral Reading Fluency
REB Rwanda Basic Education Board
RWF Rwandan franc
SDG Sustainable Development
Goal SEO Sector education officer
SSWG Sub-Sector Working Group
TTC Teacher Training College
TVET Technical and vocational education and training
UBE Universal basic education
UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund
USAID United States Agency for International Development