الـــــسر الغميــــــــس !!! النور يوسف محمد

حكــاوى الغيـــاب الطويـــــل !!! طارق صديق كانديــك

من الســودان وما بين سودانيــات سودانييــن !!! elmhasi

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قديم 15-10-2008, 06:48 AM   #[1]
:: كــاتب نشــط::
الصورة الرمزية bayan
افتراضي دكتورة حليمة بشير...... هل هي كولا بوف او زينب جديدة

Halima Bashir, a young Sudanese woman who has been a victim of and witness to numerous barbaric acts in Darfur, has spoken out against the government in Khartoum with a hard-hitting account of the tragedy.

A member of the Zaghawa tribe, Bashir puts a human face on a situation where the number of casualties is so large as to be incomprehensible. The conflict between the Arab-dominated government in Khartoum and black Africans in Darfur, in western Sudan, has left about 300,000 dead and created as many as 2.5 million refugees, according to the UN.

Bashir, 29, said Tears of the Desert, written with the journalist Damien Lewis, who won an award for his reporting from Darfur last year, was her chance to speak out about the atrocities perpetrated by the Sudanese government against black Africans in Darfur.

"My story is not the only one," she said in London, where she lives with her husband and young son after a long battle to win asylum. "There are hundreds of thousands of other stories more painful than mine. With this book it is as if I'm telling this story for Darfuri women. I will keep on talking – it is the only thing I can give my people."

In Bashir, the victims of what the international criminal court has described as a policy of genocide by Sudan's leaders have found a soft-spoken but iron-willed representative.

Bashir arrived for our interview at a hotel in central London with her round, youthful face uncovered. But she was firm about not revealing her face to the world, particularly to the Sudanese authorities. While she remains safe in Britain, she fears for the safety of her mother, sister and two brothers, who joined the rebels in Darfur.

She still does not know what happened to her family after they fled their village when government troops and the notorious Janjaweed militia attacked. The men of the village stood and fought to buy time for the women and children to flee to the forest. Her father died in the attack. Bashir does not want the Khartoum government to use the knowledge of what she looks like to track down her family – if they are still alive.

Because of fears for her family, Bashir talked to us with her face covered by headgear, hastily purchased around the corner from John Lewis. Only her eyes were visible during the interview.

Tears of the Desert is not just an account of the atrocities committed by the government-backed Janjaweed – or devils on horseback – against black Africans. The first half of the book describes a happy childhood in a close-knit Darfur village, although it does not gloss over Bashir's hideous circumcision at the age of eight.

For the most part, however, growing up was a happy time for Bashir. Family scenes that feature her much-loved grandmother and her best friend, Kadiga, are vividly brought to life. Like little girls anywhere, Bashir played with dolls, although these were rag dolls made from old clothes stuffed with straw.

Her father had big plans for Bashir and she was the first girl from her village to go away to school. Eventually she became a doctor, but she ran into trouble with the authorities for telling a reporter that the government should help all Darfuri people regardless of their tribe.

As punishment she was transferred to Mazkhabad, a village in the remote north of Darfur, and put in charge of a clinic. This is where she saw and experienced at first hand the atrocities of the Darfur conflict. Not even in her darkest nightmare had she imagined she would witness such horror, she wrote, as she treated girls as young as eight who had been repeatedly raped.

Bashir had to care for more than 40 girls who were sexually assaulted at their school while government soldiers cordoned off the premises. Parents were kept standing outside the school as their daughters' screaming pierced the air.

A rape victim who was a teacher told Bashir: "They were shouting and screaming at us. You know what they were saying? 'We have come here to kill you! To finish you all! You are black slaves! You are worse than dogs. The worst was that they were laughing and yelping with joy as they did those terrible things."

The Janjaweed eventually came for Bashir herself. Three men in khaki uniforms took her from the clinic to a military camp, where she was beaten and repeatedly raped. The ordeal went on into a second day with Bashir retreating in her head "to a faraway place where my God had taken me, a place where they couldn't reach me".

One of her captors told her: "We're going to let you live because we know you'd prefer to die. Isn't that clever of us? Aren't we clever, doctor? We may not have your education, but we're damn smart, wouldn't you agree?"

Hard as it was for her to go over such painful memories, Bashir said the process of writing her memoir help her come to terms with her terrible ordeal. More importantly, she wanted to tell the whole world about what was going on, especially the atrocities committed against young girls.

"These men were not normal," she said. "No normal people would do such a thing to children. I wanted to tell the whole world what was happening."

She could only explain the actions of the aggressors as an extremely virulent form of racism.

"It is because of the colour of our skin, it is because we are black," she said. "Even at school they give us nicknames and make jokes about us. It is something that has gone on a long time."

Bashir cited her experience at medical school where she had a reputation as a swot. The corpses students worked on were exclusively black. One of her friends said: "Arabs do not give a damn about us when we're alive, and even less when we're dead".

Some foreign policy commentators have criticised the international criminal court's decision to charge Omar al-Bashir, the Sudanese president, with genocide and crimes against humanity. They say it will make a peace deal between the Sudanese government and the rebels harder to achieve and warn it could jeopardise the already troubled deployment of a joint UN-African Union peacekeeping force in Darfur.

Bashir, however, has no reservations about the court's decision. She told an audience at the Royal Festival Hall: "I can't explain how happy I am for the ICC case," she said. "It is now more than five years this has been going on and very little has been done. It's as if we've been talking to deaf people. For me this is a step for justice."

· Tears of the Desert, by Halima Bashir, written with Damien Lewis, is published by Hodder & Stoughton
زول ينقل لينا بالله المقابلة...


التوقيع: http://bayannagat.blogspot.com/2013/...post_4173.html

شهوة ان تكون الخصومة فى عزها
واضحة ..
غير مخدوشه بالعناق الجبان
فقبلات من لا اود حراشف سردينة
وابتسامته شعرة فى الحساء

من شهوات مريد
bayan غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 15-10-2008, 07:22 AM   #[2]
:: كــاتب نشــط::
الصورة الرمزية bayan

As punishment she was transferred to Mazkhabad, a village in the remote north of Darfur, and put in charge of a clinic.

سلامات استمعت الى الشريط اكثر من مرة
دكتورة حليمة تتحدث اللغة الانجليزية بصورة ممتازة...بلهجة نيجيرية

قيل ان عمرها 29 اي من مواليد 1979 دخلت الجامعة ابان ثورة التعريب
درست الطب لم تذكر الجامعة التي تخرجت منها وقالت انها عملت في دارفور
وانه تم نقلها الى مستشفى بعيدة لتعمل كمديرة لها وهناك تم اغتصابها جماعيا...
لشخص مولود سنة 1979..تخرج من الطب في السودان اذا قلنا انها دخلت الجامعة عمرها 6سنة..
مع انها قالت في قريتها مافي مدارس بتكون اتخرجت سنة 2004
لو مشت طوالي بدون اي مشاكل..
بتكون قعدت سنة لغاية ما بدات تعمل الامتياز سنتين السنتين عشان بعداك تنضم لجيوش العاطلين
من دفعها في كلية الطب..
فكيف تأتي لها ان تصبح مديرة لمستشفى.
لماذا لم تذكر ابدا الجامعة التي تخرجت؟
في حديثها عن الخفاض تنطق الكلمة بلهجة نيجيري كما فعلت ذلك في الكلمة LOVE
نطقتها بطريقة لوووف كما ينطقها النيجرين وكذلك كثير من الكلمات الاخرى..

التوقيع: http://bayannagat.blogspot.com/2013/...post_4173.html

شهوة ان تكون الخصومة فى عزها
واضحة ..
غير مخدوشه بالعناق الجبان
فقبلات من لا اود حراشف سردينة
وابتسامته شعرة فى الحساء

من شهوات مريد
bayan غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 15-10-2008, 07:26 AM   #[3]
:: كــاتب نشــط::
الصورة الرمزية bayan

اعفص لتسمع التناقضات

هذه المقابلة بها كثير من التناقضات. استمع اليها..

التوقيع: http://bayannagat.blogspot.com/2013/...post_4173.html

شهوة ان تكون الخصومة فى عزها
واضحة ..
غير مخدوشه بالعناق الجبان
فقبلات من لا اود حراشف سردينة
وابتسامته شعرة فى الحساء

من شهوات مريد
bayan غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 15-10-2008, 07:37 AM   #[4]
بابكر مخير
:: كــاتب نشــط::
الصورة الرمزية بابكر مخير

الدكتورة العزيزة
بالغ التحايا وكل عام وأنت بكل خير
بالنسبة ليا؟
نظرت للفكرة في إطار أشمل، حذفتا إسم المتحدثة وعمرها وكل الإفادة التي صرحت بها، فيما يتعلق بها شخصيا وعملتا لصق، لي فلانة الفلانية، بت الغرب الغير متعلمة، الفعلن حصل ليها تعدي وحشي من الذكرته الدكتورة...
إتألمتا كتيييييييييير
وبرضو في كل الأحوال، شفعتا للدكتورة حليمة إن كانت إفادتها مغلوطة أو مدفعوة أجر وأي شي سيئ مهما كان، فهي حكت عن أمر يحدث هناك..
أنا غايتو!! ما ذكر إنسان عن تجرتو الخاص وإلا قدرتا معاناته وبنفس المستوى، أبعدت نفسي من الحكم على تجربتو الخاصة،،، ما النار بتحرق الواطيها...
بتذكر أحبائي، صيادلة، أُدخلو بيت الأشباح وحين خرجو حكو عن أمور، تذهل إبليس ظاتو في غدر أولائك الذين أجرمو في حق أحبائي..
كنتا في الأول بسمعها حكاوي، لكن لمن طرف الصوت وصلني.
عشت مرارتها...
ربنا يصفي النفوس،
يهدي المجرميين البمارسو الظلم دا
ويرحم المساكيين الفي حقهم أُرتكب الجرم دا
مع التحايا العزيزة دكتورة بيان

بابكر مخير غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 15-10-2008, 09:02 AM   #[5]
:: كــاتب نشــط::
الصورة الرمزية bayan

الاخ مخير

الاتي اغتصبن يجلسن في معسكرات في الحدود وهناك من يتاجر بقضيتهن
ويكسب لجوء سياسي غير مستحق..
الاكاذيب هذه تفقد الضحايا حقهم..
يجب التحقيق في هذه القضية ومنع الناس من الكذب
لاجل مريومة وعشوشة...المغتصابت المسكينات الاتي لا يتحدثن اللغة الانجليزية
والاتي يتاجر البعض بقضيتهن,,,
كل ما ذكرته الدكتورة المزعومة اكاذيب ... وهذا يفسد القضايا الصادقة
وهذا ما افقد قضية دارفور التعاطف,,
المسألة كلها لجوء فقط لا احقاق حق..

التوقيع: http://bayannagat.blogspot.com/2013/...post_4173.html

شهوة ان تكون الخصومة فى عزها
واضحة ..
غير مخدوشه بالعناق الجبان
فقبلات من لا اود حراشف سردينة
وابتسامته شعرة فى الحساء

من شهوات مريد
bayan غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
قديم 15-10-2008, 09:26 AM   #[6]
بابكر مخير
:: كــاتب نشــط::
الصورة الرمزية بابكر مخير

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة bayan مشاهدة المشاركة
الاخ مخير

الاتي اغتصبن يجلسن في معسكرات في الحدود وهناك من يتاجر بقضيتهن
ويكسب لجوء سياسي غير مستحق..
الاكاذيب هذه تفقد الضحايا حقهم..
يجب التحقيق في هذه القضية ومنع الناس من الكذب
لاجل مريومة وعشوشة...المغتصابت المسكينات الاتي لا يتحدثن اللغة الانجليزية
والاتي يتاجر البعض بقضيتهن,,,
كل ما ذكرته الدكتورة المزعومة اكاذيب ... وهذا يفسد القضايا الصادقة
وهذا ما افقد قضية دارفور التعاطف,,
المسألة كلها لجوء فقط لا احقاق حق..
يديك العافية يا دكتورة
دا الإنتي كتبتيهو
وأنا معاك فيهو
وإتي برضو أكدتيهو
هناك جرائم ويجب معاقبة مرتكيبيها
والذين يستغلونها، برضو ليهم أجر، تذكير الناس بيها
يديك العافية ويديما عليكي

بابكر مخير غير متصل   رد مع اقتباس
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